NTT DoCoMo から発売された Galaxy S の SC-02B では、
ステータスバーのキャリア表示で「NTT DOCOMO」と 2 回表示されてしまうので、
以下に手順を示しておきます ↓
まずは、Galaxy S のディレクトリ構造の中にある「/system/etc/spn-conf.xml」を
SD カードにコピーしてください。
そして、「spn-conf.xml」の中の下記の部分を ↓
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--/*** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.**** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.** You may obtain a copy of the License at******** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and** limitations under the License.*/-->
<!--spnOverride attributes:numeric: MCC+MNC from IMSI - this attribute is used as the keyspn: spn to show instead of EFSPN. locales can be specified here too, if neededspn_display_rule: SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN, SPN_RULE_SHOW_PLMN or bothfake_home_on: regard specified PLMN as home
examples:<spnOverridenumeric="45001" spn="ko_KR;한국어 SPN,en;English SPN,fr;Français SPN,pl;Polski SPN,Default SPN"spn_display_rule="SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN" spn_override_only_on="45001" fake_home_on="00101,45008"/><spnOverride numeric="46001" spn="zh_CN;中国联通" />--><spnOverrides><!-- Spain -->/*省略*/
<!-- SENA -->/*省略*/
<!-- Finland -->/*省略*/
/***ここから以下の部分***/<!-- Japan --><spnOverride numeric="44010" spn="NTT DOCOMO"/>
次のように変更します ↓
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--/*** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.**** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.** You may obtain a copy of the License at******** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and** limitations under the License.*/-->
<!--spnOverride attributes:numeric: MCC+MNC from IMSI - this attribute is used as the keyspn: spn to show instead of EFSPN. locales can be specified here too, if neededspn_display_rule: SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN, SPN_RULE_SHOW_PLMN or bothfake_home_on: regard specified PLMN as home
examples:<spnOverridenumeric="45001" spn="ko_KR;한국어 SPN,en;English SPN,fr;Français SPN,pl;Polski SPN,Default SPN"spn_display_rule="SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN" spn_override_only_on="45001" fake_home_on="00101,45008"/><spnOverride numeric="46001" spn="zh_CN;中国联通" />--><spnOverrides><!-- Spain -->/*省略*/
<!-- SENA -->/*省略*/
<!-- Finland -->/*省略*/
/***ここから以下の表記に書き換えます。書き換え方は2通りあります***//***A. 「NTT DOCOMO」が1回のみの表示***/<!-- Japan<spnOverride numeric="44010" spn="NTT DOCOMO"/>--><spnOverride numeric="44010" spn_display_rule="SPN_RULE_SHOW_PLMN" spn_override_only_on="44010"/>
/***B. 「NTT DoCoMo」が1回のみの表示***/<!-- Japan<spnOverride numeric="44010" spn="NTT DOCOMO"/>--><spnOverride numeric="44010" spn_display_rule="SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN" spn_override_only_on="44010"/>
下の写真のように表示を 1 回のみに変えられます。
SC-02B ユーザの方々、お試しあれ!